Thursday, April 4, 2013

Master the Art of Balancing Life

Life can get stressful. We all have times in our life when we feel that just one more "event" will have us spiraling over 'the edge'. It's times like these that our body and soul reminds us to take heed and slow down.

R - i - g - h - t

d  -     o    -      w      -       n.

We need to learn to relax. We need to learn how to make every mouthful we eat and drink nutritious.  We also need to create time in our lives to exercise our bodies for optimum health and resilience. Essentially, by regularly entering your sacred 'wellness time', where you concentrate entirely on your inner being and health, you can help to balance your life stresses with beneficial and healing stress release practices. This is the key to balancing life: keep your body, mind and soul resilient with nurturing wellness practices.

A simple wellness practice you can do right now to reduce stress, blood pressure and anxiety, is to breathe deeply and correctly. This is because shallow breathing is a typical stress response and so too is hyperventilation (which increases stress and anxiety). Consequently, to properly manage stress, correct abdominal breathing techniques must be practiced to help soothe the nervous system and encourage health benefits (such as reduced blood pressure). So, to begin, start breathing deeply through the nose - allowing the diaphragm to expand sideways -  hold for five seconds - then exhale slowly through the mouth. Repeat this 10 or more times to help induce calmness and deep oxygenation of your body cells, (as nitric oxide - which boosts health, heart strengthening and relaxation - is stimulated through the sinus). For more information see here.

If you're feeling very rundown or overwhelmed, greater dedication and effort is required to overcome a frantic life pace, depressed immune system or heightened stress levels. The best step towards creating balance in your life is to examine your schedule and find an hour daily which you dedicate to nurturing your personal wellness. By taking time out of your hectic schedule, and by listening to the needs of your authentic being and body, you will greatly boost your immune system and elevate your stress coping levels over time.

Here are more ways to help release and mitigate the effects of stress in your life:

  • Bathe in a natural sea salt bath along with Epsom salts by candle light to help quiet your mind, relax and detox your body. 
  • Take a leisurely walk at the park or beach on your own (or with your dog). 
  • Watch an uplifting film while walking on your treadmill/ riding your exercise bike at home.  
  • Visit your local library and find a cozy nook to read a classic novel or an inspiring life biography. 
  • Watch a sunrise or sunset over a natural landscape like the beach or mountain.
  • Learn the art of meditation. 
  • Research healthy, organic, raw food, vegan recipes and recreate them at home to enjoy. 
  • Join a yoga club or gym. Visit regularly.  
  • Take-up Tai Chi at your local park or meditation center.
  • Plant an organic garden in your backyard or a herb garden on your window sill/ balcony. Use non-GMO heirloom seeds (i.e. natural, organic seeds that can reproduce). Enjoy your produce daily.
  • Perform a monthly detoxing Master Cleanse/ Fast using: natural, organic maple syrup; cayenne pepper; alkaline spring water and fresh lemon juice. 
  • Visit an aromatherapist for a healing face or body massage. 
  • Complete a short course or start a hobby that brings joy into your life: i.e. learn a new language; learn about herbalism; volunteer at an animal shelter etc; become a naturopath; learn pottery or landscape drawing etc.

By dedicating at least one hour daily to your wellness, your life and health will be enhanced. Of course, only you will know what health modalities ultimately work for you (as our bodies resonate with different stress release practices). So, keep trialing various health practices. By doing this, you will cultivate new awareness of what assists you to master the art of balancing your own life for greater wellness.