Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Create the life you want...

A great way to convert negative energy and any general feeling of malaise is through 'movement'. Movement is therapy. It gets your heart pumping and your thoughts shifting outside a critical, myopic headspace and untangled from its convoluted negative thoughts. Basically, the aim of movement (which can take any form such as yoga, swimming, painting, restoring an antique, taking a language class, traveling, volunteering at an animal shelter, crafting etc) is to help break the accumulated inertia in your life so that you have a new life canvass to work with or space/ time in your life to fill with things and activities that you truly love and enjoy.

Movement has the capacity to give you energy, induce feel-good endorphins and create space in your routine to breath and rethink your life priorities. As a result, by choosing to step forward and branch out into a new direction, you might find old and deeply held frustrations released and a more calmer or more energetic feeling envelope you. You might also find the inspiration to turn an aspiration into reality. These are just some of the rewards you can look forward to when you take action in honoring your inner voice, values and aspirations.

Here are some simple steps you can use today to help follow your bliss and manifest your authentic self:

  • To begin, simply identify what part of your life drains your energy or makes you feel unfulfilled when you think about it. This may signify the area of your life needing attention or a new direction. 
  • Get clear on where you want to be or how you wish to live/ feel. You could try a vision board or create a 'life map' to help navigate the small steps leading you onto a self-actualised path. 
  • Make a list of key steps you need to conquer in order to achieve your goals. Note the steps as small, manageable and incremental goals.
  • Focus on the here and now, not the past. A vision board is a good tool to use daily to help you visualize what you want and where you desire to be. It will also help you to refocus on the present moment instead of feeling marooned in powerlessness, boredom, restlessness, disorganisation or just general frustration. Instead, try listening to motivating music, watch inspiring movies or read motivational literature to help cultivate a powerful mindset for drawing positive feelings that motivate you into making positive changes. 
  • Set a realistic date to accomplish your goals on a calender. Ensure you place the date on your fridge or desk to see it everyday. (You'll be reminded to take action and make your goals a reality). Commit to honoring this date.

So, what are you waiting for? All you need to do now is take that first life-changing step. Begin it now! Take a nice long walk in the park, clean out a clutter filled cupboard to prepare for a repaint, cut out magazine pictures for your vision board or purchase flowers for your dining table or work space to uplift your soul and 'vibration'. Get those positive emotions flowing. You can even collect some discarded sea treasures down at your local beach (just be sure not to disturb those pretty seashells occupied with delicate sea creatures).

Whatever form of movement or new activity you choose to awaken your passion, body, mind and soul is fine. It's purely a symbolic action. You're simply saying 'yes' to yourself, 'yes' to your authentic voice, 'yes' to your unique take on bliss and a life of wellness and true joy. So get moving today. Being active will help you create momentum in life. When channeled correctly, it can also help you achieve inner peace, balance, harmony and joy.

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